79 terms you need to know about animal

1. EMBRYOLOGY  is the study of developmental anatomy, covering covering the period from conception to birth
2. HISTOLOGY or microscopic anatomy OS the study of tissues and cells that can be seen with the aid of a microscope.
3. SAGITTAL PLANE is a plane parallel to the median plane and divides the body into two unequal halves
4. MEDIAN PLANE is an imaginary plane passing through the body caraniocaudally, dividing it into two equal halves
5. TRANSVERSE PLANE is a plane at perpendicular to the median plane and divides the body into cranial(anterior) and caudal (posterior) segments
6. FRONTAL PLANE is a plane perpendicular to both the median and transverse planes dividing the body into dorsal (upper)  and ventral ( lower) segments
7. The female organ originating from the same embryonic tissue as the penis is CLITORIS
8. The uterus having a uterine body with no uterine horn is called SIMPLEX UTERUS
9. The uterus having uterine horn with no uterine body is called DUPLEX UTERUS
10. The fluid that flushes residual Urine from the urethra is called Cowper's gland or BULBOURETHRAL GLAND
11. A yellow superntnant fluid that is expressed out when blood clots and contains antibodies is called SERUM
12. The glandular surface area of the stomach is increased many times by infoldings of the epithelium into depressions called GASTRIC PITS
13. the first glandular portion of ruminants digestive system is ABOMASUM
14. ALVEOLUS Is the secretory unit of the pancreas
15. The indifferent stage that differentiates to form epididymis and vas deferens is called WOLFFIAN DUCT
16. The indifferent stage that differentiates to form the penis and clitoris is called GENITAL TUBERCLE
17. The indifferent stage that differentiates to form the scrotum and labia in female is called VESTIBULAR FOLD
18. The indifferent stage that differentiates to form the urethra, prostate and bulbourethral gland is called UROGENITAL SINUS
19. The undifferentiated stage that differentiates to form the testis and ovary is called GONAD
20. The broad ligament that attaches to the oviduct of the body wall is called MESOSALPINX
21.  The broad ligament that attaches to the ovary is called MESOVARIUM
22.  The broad ligament that attaches to the uterus is called MESOMETRIUM
23. The female reproductive system is made up of the ovary and TUBULAR GENITALIA
25. Male reproductive hormones are called ANDROGENS
26. Anterior pituitary is also known as ADENOHYPOPHYSIS
26. posterior pituitary is also known as NEUROHYPOPHYSIS
29. ADH is also known as VASOPRESSIN
30. Hormones can be classified on the basis of chemical types or PROPERTIES
31. Growth hormones are also called SOMATOTROPIC HORMONES
32. The outer zone of the adrenal cortex is the ZONA GLOMERULOSA
32. The inner zone of that adrenal cortex is the ZONA FASCICULATA
33. The innermost zone of the adrenal cortex is the ZONA RETICULARIS
34. The adenohypophysis is made up of pars distalis, pars tuberalis and PARS INTERMEDIA
35. The endocrine pancreas is limited to the ISLETS OF LANGERHANS
36. Hormones of the adrenal medulla is ADRENALINE & NORADRENALINE
37. A naturally occurring mineralocorticoid is the ALDOSTERONE
38. Kidney secrets two hormones including RENIN & ERYTHROPOIETIN
39. Another name for pregnancy hormone is called PROGESTERONE
40. Spermatogenesis is made up of two distinct phases, spermatocytogenesis and SPERMIOGENESIS
41.  The physiological phenomena occurring in the life of an animal between sexual immaturity and maturity is called PUBERTY
42. The oestrus cycle of ewe is 17 days
43. The ostrus cycle of cow is 21 days
44. The oestrus cycle of sow is 20 days
45. The gestation period of cow is 281 days
46. The gestation period of sow is 114 days
47. The gestation period of  ewe is 148 days
48. The gestation period of  goat is 156 days
49. The gestation period of mare is 337 days
50. Swollen vulva, no mucus discharge and sow assuming a mating stand when pressure is applied to backside is an oestrus behavior in SOW
51. The distinct stages of oestrus cycle are proestrus, oestrus, metoestrus and DIOESTRUS
52. Blood is a connective tissue with a fluid matrix called PLASMA
53. EPITHELIAL TISSUE covers all the exposed body surface, forms the external skin and covers the inner lining of the stomach.
54. The male hormone that help in muscle lay down and sexual activities is called TESTOSTERONE
55. APLASIA is the failure of tissues or organ to develop.
56. HYPERTROPHY is the increase in the size of cells beyond normal
57. ATROPHY is the decrease in the size of cells from normal
58. Incomplete or defective development of cells is called HYPOPLASIA
59. The external part of the female reproductive organ is  referred to as  VULVA
60.  The primary reproductive organ of the male animal is TESTIS( in singular)
61. The structural unit of a compact bone is called osteon or HAVERSIAN SYSTEM
62. cancelous bone is also Known as the SPONGY BONE
63. Failure of the testes to migrate into the scrotum from the inguinal region results into a defect called CRYPTORCHIDISM
64. The head of the epididymis is called the CAPUT
65. The largest segment of the epididymis is the CAPUT
66. The testicular arteries is a convoluted structure in the form of a cone which rests on the dorsal plane of gbe testusto form what is called PAMPINIFORM PLEXUS
67. The stiffening of the penis in ruminants is brought about! Mainly by ISCHIOCAVERNOUS MUSCLE
68. A bony structure formed by stiffening of the corpus cavernosum is called OS PENIS
69. the end of the penis is called GLANS PENIS
70. A cap around the head of the spermatozoon rich in mucopolysaccharide and contains two enzymes is called ACROSOME
71. The uterus that has a long folded or convoluted uterine horn and short uterine body is known as. BICORNUATE UTERUS
72.  PHYLOGENY is the study of developmental  stages from prehistoric reference or origin
73. The development of individuals from a fertilized egg to adult hood is called ONTOGENY
74. PLATELETS assist in blood clotting
75. FILIFORM PAPILLAE lacks taste bud
76. Fertilization is the fusion of egg and sperm to form a zygote or FERTILIZED EGG (NOT SURE)
77. Progestational or luteal phase or secretory phase
78. The three cavernous muscle that surround the pelvic urethra CORPUS SPONGIOSUM PENIS , CORPUS CAVERNOSUM PENIS, ISCHIOCAVERNOUS PENIS
79. The fertilized egg with distint body parts is called FOETUS


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